Sunday, February 24, 2013

you are what you eat......

so it's no secret that the lifestyle I follow allows me to eat really well and clean six days a week and one day a week I can have a "cheat" day.  it allows me to get my cravings out give in to my sweet tooth go out with friends and have a beer or order that fried piece of shrimp that sounds so good with french fries and ketchup.  but after this past weekend I have had a "lightbulb" moment......

all your life you hear that you are what you eat and you don't really think about it until you think about it this way.  Food effects everything.  Our social life, our home life. our digestive track, our mood, our views on ourselves........
did I say our mood?

what could food have to possibly do with our mood?

I'm glad that you asked....

when you become so involved in a lifestyle that consumes you and you have had that second "-ion" moment that I described in a previous blog your brain starts to view food differently.  It sees it as what it is meant for nutrition.....that's simply when my one day comes around that i can eat whatever i want I wake up ready to jump start the day and dig in and eat until i feel like i could get sick.....

about half way through the day, usually around noon, another feeling sets in......depression

food weighs heavy on our emotions....we all knew that otherwise we wouldn't have those "emotional eaters" out there would we?  usually after I eat something that is "bad" or something that my brain tells me "we aren't getting nutrition from this" the mood sets in and that's when the bad feelings start coming out....

I feel fat worthless effortless and just an all around it occured to me yesterday while my cheat days are important to me to keep my metabolism revving high and training my digestive track how to properly draw nutrients from the food that I consume on my cheat days maybe instead of going overboard and eating what ever I want for the WHOLE day I am going to implement something new on my next cheat day....

hopefully this will lift my mood and I will still see improvements in my weight loss

I also took on something that I didn't think that I would ever do I signed myself up for a bootcamp that starts March 4th.  I'm scared but I know that if I don't start pushing myself past my limits that I won't see results....I think this will be both healthful and beneficial for me to to kick myself in the pants be sore for awhile and truly see what my body is capable of

I am going to try to make it my personal goal to blog at least every other day this week it's good for me to put this out there and expose myself to other people and one day I hope to share this story with a client of mine and encourage them and give them the support that I receive day in and day out from all my friends and family!!  Until next time

live smart and live healthy!

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